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Art glass in church glass, enjoy the most beautiful state of glass
Time:2020-05-26 16:42:54      點擊次數(shù):828

Church glass (Cathedral glass), a Western architectural ornament, is commonly found in churches and is installed on the walls of buildings. The principle of action is that when sunlight shines on the glass, it can cause a brilliant effect. In the age of electric lights, the colorful lights radiated from the church at night were also meteorological. Early church glass mostly used Bible stories as the content, and moved the believers with the effect of light and pattern. The local saints and history of some churches will also enter its theme. Since modern times, it has not only appeared in churches, but has also been used in many general buildings, called "church glass colored flower windows".

Art glass in church glass, enjoy the most beautiful state of glass

The processing of large pieces of uniform flat glass appeared relatively late. For a long time in history, people did not get large pieces of flat glass. Although there have been several methods for obtaining flat glass in Europe since the Middle Ages, in the era of artificial glass blowing, the flat glass obtained by these methods was not uniform, and the light distortion was more serious. Some magnifications have been made to make dressing mirrors. , Making glass is worse. In order to ensure uniform light, no distortion occurs after passing through the window, so only small pieces of glass can be used, and those with little deformation are selected and put together. Of course, a small piece of glass can easily produce a variety of patterns, which also forms an artistic style in the church.

Art glass in church glass, enjoy the most beautiful state of glass

St. Vitus Cathedral is located in the third atrium of Prague Castle. It is the largest and most important church in Prague. It is also the resting place after the crown and death of the royal family.

Art glass in church glass, enjoy the most beautiful state of glass

This building, which made countless architects work hard, is as intriguing as a piece of finely crafted artwork. St. Vitus Cathedral is magnificent, the main entrance of the church is located on the west facade, the rose window above the main entrance is stunning, and the tall towers on both sides are directly attracting countless people to stop.

Art glass in church glass, enjoy the most beautiful state of glass

The exquisite glazed windows make the church more transparent. The decoration of wood carvings and stone carvings of different years and different styles complement each other here. The whole church is like a museum, which is dazzling.

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